Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/16/2003 VB ADO Create explicit Field objects when looping on large Recordsets
09/16/2003 VB ADO Connect a stand-alone Recordset to a database using XML
09/16/2003 VB ADO A dual use of a lookup query
09/16/2003 VB Database Read and write File ODBC data sources
09/16/2003 VB ODBC Get the list of ODBC DSNs (Using ODBCTOOL.DLL)
09/16/2003 VB Database Get the list of ODBC drivers
09/16/2003 VB Database Unrecognized Database Format Error Message with Access 2000 Databases
09/16/2003 VB Database Export DAO databases to any ISAM format
09/16/2003 VB ODBC Create and delete DSN at runtime
09/16/2003 Printing Printing formatted text and other data with the WebBrowser control
09/16/2003 VB Printing Display the Connect To Printer dialog
09/16/2003 VB Printing Always ensure that a printer is installed
09/16/2003 VB Tapi Make a phone call using TAPI
09/16/2003 VB Exteral Libs Sending Email Using CDO and MAPI
09/16/2003 VB Exteral Libs Send HTML Email via CDO
09/16/2003 VB Regular Expression Create a better InStr function with VBScript regular expressions
09/16/2003 VB Regular Expression Count number of words with the RegExp object
09/16/2003 VB Active-X Use Enums to restrict parameter values in Classes, ActiveX Controls and DLLs
09/16/2003 VB Active-X Detect when a new control is added to an ActiveX container
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Combine Default attribute with other attributes
09/16/2003 COM Interoperability Release COM objects earlier
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Understanding interface marshaling
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Saving a MSChart image to file
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Register and unregister type libraries
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Register and unregister components with context menus
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Rebase compiled DLLs
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Programmatically register an ActiveX control or DLL
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Pass the hidden Global object to an ActiveX DLL
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Never mix SingleUse and MultiUse classes
09/16/2003 VB COM-COM+ Hide the Automation Manager
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