Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/12/2003 VB Language The "Assume No Aliasing" compiler option
09/12/2003 VB Language Testing a key in a PropertyBag without raising an error
09/12/2003 VB Language Terminate the process with an ErrorLevel code
09/12/2003 VB Language Static Variables are slower than Dynamic ones
09/12/2003 VB Language Simplify your code with Inc and Dec functions
09/12/2003 VB Language Simplify and optimize expressions with And, Or and Xor operators
09/12/2003 VB Language Short-circuit evaluation with Select Case
09/12/2003 VB Language Remove collection items from the beginning
09/12/2003 VB Language REMark out a group of lines
09/12/2003 VB Language Reduce the number of DoEvents
09/12/2003 VB Language Quick comparison among UDTs
09/12/2003 VB Language Property Procedures in BAS modules
09/12/2003 VB Language Persistent breakpoints
09/12/2003 VB Language Never use the End statement
09/12/2003 VB Language Missing Option Explicit directives
09/12/2003 VB Language Manufacture a Missing value
09/12/2003 VB Language LenB has changed from VB5 to VB6
09/12/2003 VB Language Items of ParamArray can be Missing
09/12/2003 VB Language IsMissing returns False with non-Variant arguments
09/12/2003 VB Language Interpreted or Compiled?
09/12/2003 VB Language Implement the CallByName function using the TLI library
09/12/2003 VB Language Hidden Variant variables
09/12/2003 VB Language GoSub are slower in compiled programs
09/12/2003 VB Language Event logging doesn't work in interpreted applications
09/12/2003 VB Language Evaluate an expression at runtime
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