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ShowNetworkDiskConnectionDialog - Show a dialog to connect or disconnect a drive
Total Hit (2951)
GetDesktopRect - Get size and position of available desktop area
Total Hit (3595)
SetExternalHTMLEditor - Change the name of the external HTML editor
Total Hit (1968)
FileToBlob - Copy a file's contents into a BLOB field
Total Hit (2848)
GetNodeRelationship - Check if two nodes are relatives
Total Hit (2015) «Code LangId=1» ' Returns a value >0 if Node1 is a parent (or grandparent) of Node2 ' Returns a value <0 if Node1 is a child (or grandchild) of Node2 ' in both cases the number reflects the number of levels ' between the two nodes ' Returns 0 if the two Nodes are the same or ' if they be ....Read More
FilesToArray - Read all the files or subdirectories in a directory using API functions
Total Hit (4149) «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" _ (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long Private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" _ (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As ....Read More
Split - A replacement for VB6's Split function under VB5
Total Hit (1828) «Code LangId=1» ' A replacement for the Split function under VB4 and VB5 ' ' Note that the return value is a Variant that contains ' an array of strings Function Split(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ", _ Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, Optional CompareMe ....Read More
StripControlChars - Delete control characters in a string
Total Hit (1793) «Code LangId=1» ' Strip all control characters (ASCII code < 32) ' ' If the second argument is True or omitted, ' CR-LF pairs are preserved Function StripControlChars(source As String, Optional KeepCRLF As Boolean = _ True) As String Dim index As Long Dim bytes() As Byte ....Read More
FormatCreditCard - Format a credit card number
Total Hit (4034) «Code LangId=1»' Format a credit card number Function FormatCreditCard(ByVal text As String) As String Dim i As Long ' ignore empty strings If Len(text) = 0 Then Exit Function ' get rid of dashes, spaces and invalid chars For i = Len(text) To 1 Step -1 ....Read More
BitClear - Clear a bit in a value
Total Hit (2634) «Code LangId=1»Function BitClear(ByVal value As Long, ByVal bit As Long) As Long ' simply AND with the negation of the bit mask ' Range checking is performed in Power2() BitClear = (value And Not Power2(bit)) End Function ' Raise 2 to a power ' the exponent must be in the range [ ....Read More
GetObjectContext.CreateInstance is obsolete in COM+
Total Hit (3538) CreateInstance was necessary in COM to provide a COM object activation mechanism that could be hooked by the MTS runtime before the activation request reached the COM runtime. So that MTS could apply some pre and post activation magic to put a wrapper around the real object and return this wrapper t ....Read More
Changing the icon of a drive
Total Hit (3033) By editing the Registry it is possible to change the icon that Windows Explorer uses for a drive. For example, if you want to change Drive E's icon, create the following registry key: HEKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\DriveIcons\E\DefaultIcon\ When you c ....Read More
Determine whether a folder is shared
Total Hit (3156) The Windows shell provides a simple way to detect whether a given folder is shared or not. You must call the SHGetFileInfo() API function and analyze the way it fills out a given structure. «Code LangId=1» Type SHFILEINFO hIcon As Long iIcon As Long dwAttributes As Long szD ....Read More
Mutually exclusive list boxes
Total Hit (2020) Many Windows programs use two adjacent list box controls to let the user select a number of items from a list of available values; such list boxes are mutually exclusive, in the sense that a given item always appear in the list box on the left (available items) or in the list box on the right (items ....Read More
Multiple compilation constants
Total Hit (2225) Visual Basic's documentation does not explain how to specify more than just one conditional compilation constant in the Advanced tab of the Options dialog. The correct way is using a colon as a delimiter, as in: demo = -1: version = 100 Note that you can only assign integer numeric values, an ....Read More
Determine whether the app is running on a flawed Pentium CPU
Total Hit (2650) Here's a simple test that you can use to determine whether the application is running on a system equipped with a Pentium CPU affected by the FDIV bug: «Code LangId=1» ' return True if the CPU suffers from the FDIV bug Function IsBuggedPentium() As Boolean IsBuggedPentium = ((1 / 3221224 ....Read More
Terminate the process with an ErrorLevel code
Total Hit (3586) If your VB application is meant to be called from within a Ms-Dos batch file, you must be able to return Dos an error code. This can be accomplished using the ExitProcess API function: «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Sub ExitProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal uExitCode As Long) ' terminate the pro ....Read More
Interpreted or Compiled?
Total Hit (4013) It is highly unfortunate that Visual Basic doesn't offer a way to execute a group of statements only when the program is interpreted in the environment or only when it has been compiled (indifferently as native code or p-code) to an EXE file. What we badly need is a conditional compilation constant ....Read More
How to Kill Process by name in Windows XP/2003/2k
Total Hit (3325) Here is the most easiest way to kill running process in WinXP/2003 «code LangId=1» Private Sub Command1_Click() KillProcess "notepad.exe" '//Replace with ur process name to kill End Sub Function KillProcess(ProcessName As String, Optional strComputer As String = ".") Dim objProces ....Read More
Tray to Title and Title to Tray Effect using DrawAnimatedRects API
Total Hit (4356) This little snippet will give you an effect so it looks like that your window is flying from system tray or minimizing to system tray depending on which flag you pass to DrawAnimatedRects API. Create a standard exe project and place the following code in form1 and run the project to see the effec ....Read More
Handling NTFS Permissions Part-4 (handling registry key permissions)
Total Hit (7816) The Win32 Application Programming Interface (API) provides two sets of APIs for working with security descriptors and access control lists (ACLs): low-level and high-level. This series of articles provide a complete set of Microsoft Visual Basic code samples that use low-level access control APIs to ....Read More
How to force a window to be a ForeGround Window on Win 9x/NT both ?
Total Hit (8840) Microsoft changed the rules with Win98 and Windows 2000 . The SetForegroundWindow API can no longer be used directly to take focus away from another application. Here is the code to implement ForceForeGround window functionality. Here I have used VB function that uses AttachThreadInput together w ....Read More
This is a link to a different site HOWTO: Use the PivotTable Office Web Component with VB
Total Hit (2219) This article demonstrates how to use the PivotTable Office Web Component to display information on a Visual Basic form.
This is a link to a different site Code Walkthrough: Data Drillthrough from the PivotTable Component
Total Hit (1587) The Office XP Web Component Toolpack includes a code sample that demonstrates using drillthrough from the PivotTable component to get at the data behind aggregations. This article examines some of the objects, methods, and procedures that make up the sample in detail. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Highlighting and Maintaining a Listview Report Column through Subclassing
Total Hit (1062) This is a modification of the code at to add subclassing of the listview control to allow tracking of ColumnHeader adjustments to maintain the correct column width as the columns are resized. For a complete description of the techniques used, see the related links above. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Enumerating and Restoring Windows Using Callbacks
Total Hit (1394) Here's a quick routine that will enumerate all top-level windows and provide a Restore feature to restore the app to the foreground. Once again the venerable EnumWindows API forms the base for this demo, with supporting roles going to GetWindowPlacement, BringWindowToTop, and friends. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Copy the entire contents of a PictureBox to the clipboard
Total Hit (3128) VB does not allow you to copy the full picture of a Form, UserControl or PictureBox to the clipboard. If you use Clipboard.SetData, it only copies a bitmap loaded into these objects. You can get around this limitation and ensure the entire contents are copied, including any graphics you have drawn, ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Set Left and Right Margin of Text Boxes and Combo Boxes
Total Hit (1712) This tip demonstrates how to modify the left and right margins of Drop-Down Combo Boxes and Text box controls.
This is a link to a different site SendKeys using the API
Total Hit (3413) VB provides the SendKeys command which is supposed to create key events in the focus control. However, in practice SendKeys sometimes doesn't work correctly, it is missing some keys and doesn't offer much flexibility in controlling the sequence of key strokes that gets sent. This article demonstrate ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Setting Your Application to Automatically Run When Windows Starts
Total Hit (1774) This source code shows how to automatically start an application when Windows starts using the registry. You can either have the application Auto-Start once next time Windows starts, or everytime Windows starts. The method uses my cRegistry class to make it easy to get the registry information. ....Read More

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