Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Stripping Email Address from a text or character value.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Moving Average Example #1.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL This example solves the elements listing problem.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Generate combinations of data from 2 tables & match against a combinations table.
01/14/2004 SQL Server Server Operations How to get NT Accounts from DOMAIN.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to form effective date only search condition.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Storing date & time values separately.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Case-sensitive replace for strings on case-insensitive server.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Finding average of top 3 scores for each player.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL An aggregation problem in a topic, seminars & registration scenario.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Strip dirty characters from a numeric string.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to generate combinations of values in SQL Server?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Search for combination of column values in different rows.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Getting the second recent date from a set of values.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to generate sequence numbers based on values in multiple columns?
01/14/2004 SQL Server FullText Custom Ranking for Search conditions ( Similar to Full-Text Rank column).
01/14/2004 SQL Server Trigger Conditional Firing of Triggers.
01/14/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure How to check for the existence of a file from SQL Server?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Minimum value from 4 variables - datetime example.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to convert integer values to hexadecimal strings in SELECT statement or computations or expressions in WHERE clause etc?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to calculate the previous & current salaries for each employees from rows that contain the start & end date for each salary?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Another pivot table example
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Yet another pivot table example
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to generate duplicates of existing rows based on the count value in a column?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Generate combinations of data from columns.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Flight Schedule Ordering problem.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to order rows from a query in random order? This method should be used with caution & only after testing.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Wrong usage of UPDATE FROM clause.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Generate sequence numbers within a group of values.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to calculate the statistical mode of a set of values using a SELECT statement?
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