Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/07/2004 VB Multimedia PlayAVIVideoOFF - Play only the audio track of an AVI file
02/07/2004 VB Multimedia PlayAVIPictureBox - Play an AVI file in a PictureBox
02/07/2004 VB Multimedia PlayAVIAudioOFF - Play an AVI file without the audio track
02/07/2004 VB Multimedia GetMP3Info - Get info in the standard ID3 tag of the specified MP3 file
02/07/2004 VB Multimedia GetMCIErrorString - Get a description of an MCI error
02/07/2004 AddIn ValidateVBName - Check a variable's or procedure's name
02/07/2004 AddIn StringToCode - Convert a string to the corresponding VB code
02/07/2004 VB AddIn VBControlName - The name of a VB control
02/07/2004 VB AddIn ValidateVBName - Check a variable's or procedure's name
02/07/2004 VB AddIn StringToCode - Convert a string to the corresponding VB code
02/07/2004 VB AddIn SetVBASetting - Modify one of the VBA code editor settings
02/07/2004 VB AddIn SetIDESettings - Modify one of the Visual Basic configuration settings
02/07/2004 VB AddIn SetExternalHTMLEditor - Change the name of the external HTML editor
02/07/2004 VB AddIn GetVBASetting - Retrieve a setting for the Visual Basic VBA code editor
02/07/2004 VB AddIn GetSelectedText - The highlighted string in the code window
02/07/2004 VB AddIn GetIDESetting - Retrieve a setting for the Visual Basic IDE
02/07/2004 VB AddIn GetIDESetting - Retrieve a setting for the Visual Basic IDE
02/07/2004 VB AddIn GetExternalHTMLEditor - Read name and path of the external HTML editor
02/07/2004 VB AddIn ConvertSelectedTex - Convert text selected in code window
02/07/2004 Application How to pass command line arguments to application?
02/07/2004 System Get the Current Screen Resolution (VB.NET)
02/07/2004 VB Datastructure A simple doublely linked list class
02/03/2004 SQL Server Server Operations How to setup cluster with SQL Server
02/03/2004 SQL Server FullText Full-text indexing
02/03/2004 SQL Server FullText Full-text indexing: Advanced Queries
02/03/2004 SQL Server FullText SQL Server 2000 Full-Text Search Deployment White Paper
02/03/2004 SQL Server Replication Setting Up Transactional Replication: A Step-by-step Guide
02/03/2004 SQL Server Replication Choosing a replication type
02/03/2004 SQL Server Replication Replicating SQL Server 2000 across Heterogeneous Databases
02/03/2004 SQL Server Replication Creating and Configuring Databases
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