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(Page 6 of 25) 735 Result(s) found 


UpdateDataAdapter - Update a data source through a DataAdapter
Total Hit (2089)
LogEvent - Logging an error/event to the Windows NT/2000 Application Event Log
Total Hit (2203)
Search and replace string with HTML formatting in Case-[In]sensitive mode using regular expression.
Total Hit (3300) Folloing function will Search specified string and make it Bold in HTML output. «Code LangId=2»Function BoldSearch(ByVal strInput As String, ByVal strSearch As String) As String BoldSearch=Regex.Replace(strInput, strSearch, "<B>" & "$&" & "</B>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) End Function«/Code» ....Read More
GetRoshHashanah - Retrieving the date that Rosh Hashanah begins in the requested year
Total Hit (2365) «Code LangId=2» ' Returns the date that Rosh Hashanah begins for the requested year. ' It is important to note that Rosh Hashanah is based on the Lunar cycle so the ' Holiday actually begins at sunset of the day before the date returned by this ' function. ' Note: Many dates in the Jewish ....Read More
SingularToPlural - Converting the input word from singular to plural
Total Hit (2463) «Code LangId=2»' Convert the input word from singular to plural Function SingularToPlural(ByVal singular As String) As String ' convert to lowercase for easier comparison Dim lower As String = singular.ToLower() Dim res As String ' rule out a few exceptions If lower = "f ....Read More
How to pass command line arguments to application?
Total Hit (1987)
Object Oriented features in (Part-2)
Total Hit (10895) In the previous article we discussed the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming. Now let's implement all this in our favorite language - «big»Creating Classes in«/big» As we discussed earlier, objects are instances of a specific template – called a Class. A "Class" contai ....Read More
BrowseForFoldersDialog - A class to display the BrowseForFolders dialog box
Total Hit (2537)
Make read-only properties visible to Web Services clients
Total Hit (2052) Read-only and write-only properties in a Web Service class aren't visible to the Web Service client. The reason is that XML serialization doesn't support these sort of properties, and read-only and write-only properties aren't included in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documentation. ....Read More
GetApplicationPath - Retrieving the path of the running application or add-in
Total Hit (3341) «Code LangId=2»' Return the application's path. ' Note: it also works with add-ins's dll, whereas Application.StartupPath ' returns ' Visual Studio .NET's startup path instead ' Example: MessageBox.Show(GetApplicationPath()) Function GetApplicationPath() As String Return System.IO.Pa ....Read More
Opening and closing the CD door
Total Hit (2279)
Converting a date string entered by the user to a VB Date value.
Total Hit (2263) This code formats a date string entered by the user, adding slashes and correct number of year digits and converts it to a proper date format. You can use the following code to make your user interface more friendly. It will help you in correcting and preventing mistakes over what date is entered. ....Read More
Determine type and number of CPUs
Total Hit (4426) There is no method call that directly retuns information about the number and type of installed CPU(s). However, this information is stored in a few environment variables, so it's just a matter of extracting it with the Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable method: «Code LangId=2» ' this code is me ....Read More
CreateAppendElement - appending a XmlElement under another XmlNode
Total Hit (2695)
ArrayInsertElement - Inserting an element in any type of array
Total Hit (2615) «Code LangId=2»' A generic routine that inserts an element in any type of array. ' Example: inserting an entry of value 5 between the 1st and 2nd entry of the ' array arr ' ArrayInsertElement(arr, 1, 5) Sub ArrayInsertElement(ByVal arr As Array, ByVal index As Integer, _ Optional By ....Read More
Convert dates entered by user as strings to VB Date values.
Total Hit (3617) This code formats a date string entered by the user, adding slashes and correct number of year digits and converts it to a proper date format. You can use the following code to make your user interface more friendly. It will help you in correcting and preventing mistakes over what date is entered. ....Read More
GetNetworkAvailability - Retrieving the network availability
Total Hit (2508)
This is a link to a different site How Do I...Build a .NET COM Server Callable from COM clients?
Total Hit (1671) This section explains how to build and install managed code that will be used from COM applications. The steps involved in the build process are as follows: «LI»Write and compile the managed code. «LI»Generate a type library for the assembly using the tlbexp.exe utility. «LI»Install and regi ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How Do I...Navigate XML with the XPathNavigator?
Total Hit (1009) This sample illustrates how to navigate XML documents with an XPathNavigator created from an XPathDocument. It also demonstrates how to use an XPathNodeIterator. The XPathNavigator class provides a cursor-style model to navigate an XML document. This topic also introduces XML Path Language (XPath) e ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Adding an Icon or Control to a TextBox or ComboBox
Total Hit (2572) The standard .NET Framework ComboBox does not support an icon in the text box section of the control. This article presents a class which can be used to show an icon, a control or a custom-drawn image into any TextBox or ComboBox (VB.NET and C# code provided). ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How to make User Contol design time container so you can place controls inside UserControl at designtime
Total Hit (763) This step-by-step article describes how to make a UserControl object behave as a control container at design-time after you add the UserControl object to a Windows Form. There may be situations where you want to drag a control to your UserControl object. To permit this, the UserControl object must b ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Custom Actions - Part 2
Total Hit (1891) Custom Actions are deployment projects .NET programs written by your team that execute near the end of the installation process. You can use them to perform installation shores hard to implement with the existing features exposed by the setup project, in this order of ideas a custom action can insta ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How Do I...Marshal Strings Between Managed and Unmanaged Code?
Total Hit (861) This example demonstrates how to marshal strings from .NET client to COM server. In order to use the types and methods defined within a COM library from managed code, you have to obtain an assembly containing definitions of the COM types. Refer to the How Do I...Build a .NET Client That Uses a CO ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Common Applications of Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1861) Regular Expressions (for those not yet acquainted with them) provide a way of matching patterns of strings that may be simple or extremely complicated and they do it in a very efficient manner. For an introduction to regular expressions in ASP be sure to read: An Introduction to Regular Expressions ....Read More
This is a link to a different site FAQ: How do I delete a file from the Web server's file system?
Total Hit (1824)
This is a link to a different site Dynamically executing code in .Net
Total Hit (3977) Dynamic code execution is a powerful feature that allows applications to be extended with code that is not compiled into the application. Users can customize applications and developers can dynamically update code easily. In this article, Rick takes a look what it takes to execute code dynamically w ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Using Visual Basic .NET to Access Google's Web Service
Total Hit (1572) Learn how to access the Google Web APIs service from a Visual Basic .NET Windows front end. This article describes how to call a SOAP Web service, execute a Google search, access a page in Google's cache, and call the Google spell checker.
This is a link to a different site Calculating CRC32 (and MDA5 and SHA-1) From .NET
Total Hit (2435) The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) algorithm is a highly optimised and powerful way of checking whether a large number of bytes have been modified or not. The algorithm scans through all the bytes and generates a 32 bit number to represent the contents - small changes in the file contents result i ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How Do I...use multiple XmlReaders
Total Hit (1020) In some situations, you may have one reader that reads part of an XML document, and one or more other readers that read the rest of the document. For example, an e-commerce ordering system may have orders submitted as XML documents. In processing these orders, one reader may process information at t ....Read More
This is a link to a different site ADO.NET: Work with Typed Data
Total Hit (640) ADO classic code provides late-bound access to values within its recordset through weakly typed variables. ADO.NET code enables you to access the data held in the DataSet through a "strongly typed" metaphor. This means you can access tables and columns that are part of the DataSet with user-friendly ....Read More

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