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ReplaceWordEx - Replace whole words, with your choice of delimiters
[ All Languages » VB »  String]

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Click here to copy the following block
Option Explicit

' This enum is used by both InstrWordEx and ReplaceWordEx
' It uses a binary value to determine what separator characters are allowed
' bit 0 = allow spaces
' bit 1 = allow symbols
' bit 2 = allow control chars
' bit 3 = allow digits
' If all are excluded (ie a value of 0) then this means char must match a
' special separator provided by caller

Enum sepType
  specialSep = 0         'binary 0000 = words are ONLY separated by
                  ' a specified separator
  spacesOnly = 1         'binary 0001 = words must be separated By
                  ' spaces
  spacesAndSymbols = 3      'binary 0011 = words must be separated By
                  ' spaces Or symbols
  spacesSymbolsAndCtrl = 7    'binary 0111 = words are separated by
                  ' spaces, symbols or ctrl chars
  spacesSymbolsCtrlAndDigits = 15 'binary 1111 = words are separated by
                  ' anything but letters
End Enum

' Replace a whole word
' Based on ReplaceWord function from VB2TheMax -
' Changes from VB2TheMax function were made to allow specification of
' what constitutes a separator between words
'Contact Peter at
' Choices for separator are as described above for the sepType enum

Function ReplaceWordEx(Source As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _
  Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, Optional Count As Long = -1, _
  Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _
  Optional separatorType As sepType = spacesSymbolsCtrlAndDigits, _
  Optional Separator As String = vbNullString) As String
  Dim findLen As Long
  Dim replaceLen As Long
  Dim index As Long
  Dim counter As Long
  Dim charcode As Integer
  Dim replaceIt As Boolean

  findLen = Len(Find)
  replaceLen = Len(ReplaceStr)

  ' this prevents an endless loop
  If findLen = 0 Then Err.Raise 5

  If Start < 1 Then Start = 1
  index = Start

  ' let's start by assigning the source to the result
  ReplaceWordEx = Source

    index = InStr(index, ReplaceWordEx, Find, Compare)
    If index = 0 Then Exit Do

    replaceIt = False
    ' check that it is preceded by a punctuation symbol
    If index > 1 Then
      charcode = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ReplaceWordEx, index - 1, 1)))
      charcode = 32
    End If

    ' check that it is preceded by a valid separator
    If IsValidChar(charcode, separatorType, Separator) Then
      ' check that it is followed by a valid separator
      charcode = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ReplaceWordEx, index + Len(Find), _
        1)) & " ")
      If IsValidChar(charcode, separatorType, Separator) Then
        ' do the replacement
        ReplaceWordEx = Left$(ReplaceWordEx, index - 1) & ReplaceStr & _
          Mid$(ReplaceWordEx, index + findLen)
        ' skip over the string just added
        index = index + replaceLen
        ' increment the replacement counter
        counter = counter + 1
      End If
      ' skip over this false match
      index = index + findLen
    End If

    ' Note that the Loop Until test will always fail if Count = -1
  Loop Until counter = Count

End Function

'This function determines if the character value in char is an acceptable
' separator of the
'type specified by separatorType

'The function is used by both InstrWordEx and ReplaceWordEx

Private Function IsValidChar(char As Integer, separatorType As sepType, _
  Separator As String)
  Dim charType As Integer

  'Ctrl are chars in charType 0-31
  'Spaces and symbols are chars in charType 32-47, 58-64 and 91-255
  'Digits are chars in charType 48-57

  If separatorType = specialSep Then
    IsValidChar = (char = Asc(UCase$(Separator)))
    Exit Function
  End If

  'Determine charType that char falls in
  Select Case char
     Case Is < 32 '0-32 = ctrl
      charType = 4 '0100 binary

     Case 32 'space
      charType = 1 '0001 binary

     Case Is < 48, Is > 90 '32-48 or 91-255 = symbols (first range)
      charType = 2 '0010 binary

     Case Is < 58 '48-57 = digits
      charType = 8 '1000 binary

     Case Is < 65 '58-64 = symbols (second range)
      charType = 2 '0010 binary

    Case Else 'it's a letter
      charType = 0 '0000 binary
  End Select

  IsValidChar = Not ((charType And separatorType) = 0)
End Function

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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