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Ever tried to estimate the table total size which include data and index in calculation ? Believe me its not easy job to estimate the size of a table for a give # of rows.

Here is the kool SP which does it for you. Full credit goes to Sharon Dooley for his excellent Job.

Click here to copy the following block
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[usp_CalcSpace]')
and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[usp_CalcSpace]

create procedure usp_CalcSpace
/* Stored Procedure: usp_CalcSpace */
/* Creation Date: 1999-04-11 */
/* Copyright: - */
/* Written by: Sharon Dooley */
/* Modified by npatel on 5/23/05 */
/* */
/* Purpose: <purpose of the script> */
/* A procedure to estimate the disk space requirements of a table. */
/* Refer to Books OnLine topic "Estimating the size of a table..." */
/* for a detailed description */
/* */
/* Input Parameters: <list any input parameters> */
/* @table_name VARCHAR(30) Name of table to estimate */
/* @num_rows INT Number of rows in the table . If this is zero the space will be calculated for currunt # of rows in the specified table*/
/* */
/* Output Parameters: <list any output parameters> */
/* - */
/* */
/* Return Status: <list any return codes> */
/* - */
/* */
/* Usage: <a sample usage statement> */
/* EXEC usp_CalcSpace 'MyTable', 10000 */
/* */
/* Other info: <other info for this SP> */
/* The is a direct copy from the usp_CalcSpace stored procedure made by*/
/* Sharon Dooley, 1999-04-11. The only change is the added */
/* documentation header and a small bug fix mentioned below. */
/* */
/* Updates: <this section is used to track changes to the script> */
/* Date Author Purpose */
/* 2000-07-04 Magnus Andersson Changed @sysstat from tinyint */
/* to int to prevent overflow */
/* scenario. Added documentation. */
/* */

(@table_name varchar(30)=null,-- name of table to estimate
@num_rows int = 0) -- number of rows in the table

declare @msg varchar(120)

-- Give usage statement if @table_name is null

if @table_name = null
print 'Usage is:'
print ' usp_CalcSpace table_name, no_of_rows'
print 'where table_name is the name of the table,'
print ' no_of_rows is the number of rows in the table,'
print ' '
if @num_rows = 0
   SELECT @num_rows=rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@table_name) AND indid < 2

declare @num_fixed_col int,
@fixed_data_size int,
@num_variable_col int,
@max_var_size int,
@null_bitmap int,
@variable_data_size int,
@table_id int,
@num_pages int,
@table_size_in_bytes int,
@table_size_in_meg real,
@table_size_in_kbytes real,
@sysstat int,
@row_size int,
@rows_per_page int,
@free_rows_per_page int,
@fillfactor int,
@num_fixed_ckey_cols int,
@fixed_ckey_size int,
@num_variable_ckey_cols int,
@max_var_ckey_size int,
@cindex_null_bitmap int,
@variable_ckey_size int,
@cindex_row_size int,
@cindex_rows_per_page int,
@data_space_used int,
@num_pages_clevel_0 int,
@num_pages_clevel_1 int,
@num_pages_clevel_x int,
@num_pages_clevel_y int,
@Num_CIndex_Pages int,
@clustered_index_size_in_bytes int,
@num_fixed_key_cols int,
@fixed_key_size int,
@num_variable_key_cols int,
@max_var_key_size int,
@index_null_bitmap int,
@variable_key_size int,
@nl_index_row_size int,
@nl_index_rows_per_page int,
@index_row_size int,
@index_rows_per_page int,
@free_index_rows_per_page int,
@num_pages_level_0 int,
@num_pages_level_1 int,
@num_pages_level_x int,
@num_pages_level_y int,
@num_index_pages int,
@nonclustered_index_size int,
@total_num_nonclustered_index_pages int,
@free_cindex_rows_per_page int,
@tot_pages int

-- initialize variables
select @num_fixed_col =0,
@fixed_data_size =0,
@num_variable_col =0,
@max_var_size =0,
@null_bitmap =0,
@variable_data_size =0,
@table_id =0,
@num_pages =0,
@table_size_in_bytes =0,
@table_size_in_meg =0,
@table_size_in_kbytes =0,
@sysstat =0,
@row_size =0,
@rows_per_page =0,
@num_fixed_ckey_cols =0,
@fixed_ckey_size =0,
@num_variable_ckey_cols =0,
@max_var_ckey_size =0,
@cindex_null_bitmap =0,
@variable_ckey_size =0,
@cindex_row_size =0,
@cindex_rows_per_page =0,
@data_space_used =0,
@num_pages_clevel_0 =0,
@num_pages_clevel_1 =0,
@Num_CIndex_Pages =0,
@clustered_index_size_in_bytes =0,
@num_fixed_key_cols =0,
@fixed_key_size =0,
@num_variable_key_cols =0,
@max_var_key_size =0,
@index_null_bitmap =0,
@variable_key_size =0,
@nl_index_row_size =0,
@nl_index_rows_per_page =0,
@index_row_size =0,
@index_rows_per_page =0,
@free_index_rows_per_page =0,
@num_pages_level_0 =0,
@num_pages_level_1 =0,
@num_pages_level_x =0,
@num_pages_level_y =0,
@num_index_pages =0,
@nonclustered_index_size =0,
@total_num_nonclustered_index_pages =0,
@free_cindex_rows_per_page =0,
@tot_pages =0

set nocount on


select @sysstat = sysstat,
@table_id = id
from sysobjects where name = @table_name

if @sysstat & 7 not in (1,3)
select @msg = 'I can''t find the table '+@table_name
print @msg


-- get total number and total size of fixed-length columns

select @num_fixed_col = count(name),
@fixed_data_size = sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=0

if @num_fixed_col= 0 --@fixed_data_size is null. change to 0
select @fixed_data_size=0

-- get total number and total maximum size of variable-length columns

select @num_variable_col=count(name),
@max_var_size= sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=1
if @num_variable_col= 0 --@max_var_size is null. change to 0
select @max_var_size=0

-- get portion of the row used to manage column nullability

select @null_bitmap=2+((@num_fixed_col+7)/8)

-- determine space needed to store variable-length columns
-- this assumes all variable length columns will be 100% full
if @num_variable_col = 0
select @variable_data_size=0
select @variable_data_size = 2 + (@num_variable_col *2 )+ @max_var_size

-- get row size

select @row_size= @fixed_data_size +
@variable_data_size +
@null_bitmap + 4 -- 4 represents the data row header

-- get number of rows per page

select @rows_per_page = (8096) / (@row_size+2)

-- If a clustered index is to be created on the table,
-- calculate the number of reserved free rows per page,
-- based on the fill factor specified.
-- If no clustered index is to be created, specify Fill_Factor as 100.

select @fillfactor = 100 -- initialize it to the maximum
select @free_rows_per_page = 0 --initialize to no free rows/page
select @fillfactor=OrigFillFactor
from sysindexes
where id = @table_id and indid=1 -- indid of 1 means the index is clustered

if @fillfactor<>0
-- a 0 fill factor ALMOST fills up the entire page, but not quite.
--The doc says that fill factor zero leaves 2 empty rows (keys)
--in each index page and no free rows in data pages of clustered
--indexes and leaf pages of non-clustered.
--We are working on the data pages in this section
select @free_rows_per_page=8096 * ((100-@fillfactor)/100)/@row_size

-- get number of pages needed to store all rows

select @num_pages = ceiling(convert(dec,@num_rows) / (@rows_per_page-@free_rows_per_page))

-- get storage needed for table data

select @data_space_used=8192*@num_pages


-- create a temporary table to contain columns in clustered index. System table
-- sysindexkeys has a list of the column numbers contained in the index

select colid into #col_list
from sysindexkeys where id= @table_id and indid=1 -- indid=1 means clustered

if (select count(*) from #col_list) >0 -- do the following only if clustered index exsists
-- get total number and total maximum size of fixed-length columns in clustered index

select @num_fixed_ckey_cols=count(name),
@fixed_ckey_size= sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=0
and colid in (select * from #col_list)

if @num_fixed_ckey_cols= 0 --@fixed_ckey_size is null. change to 0
select @fixed_ckey_size=0

-- get total number and total maximum size of variable-length columns in clustered index

select @num_variable_ckey_cols=count(name),
@max_var_ckey_size= sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=1
and colid in (select * from #col_list)

if @num_variable_ckey_cols= 0 --@max_var_ckey_size is null. change to 0
select @max_var_ckey_size=0

-- If there are fixed-length columns in the clustered index,
-- a portion of the index row is reserved for the null bitmap. Calculate its size:
if @num_fixed_ckey_cols <> 0
select @cindex_null_bitmap=2+((@num_fixed_ckey_cols + 7)/8)
select @cindex_null_bitmap=0

-- If there are variable-length columns in the index, determine how much
-- space is used to store the columns within the index row:

if @num_variable_ckey_cols <> 0
select @variable_ckey_size=2+(@num_variable_ckey_cols *2)+@max_var_ckey_size
select @variable_ckey_size=0

-- Calculate the index row size

select @cindex_row_size=@fixed_ckey_size +@variable_ckey_size+@cindex_null_bitmap+1+8

--Next, calculate the number of index rows per page (8096 free bytes per page):

select @cindex_rows_per_page=(8096)/(@cindex_row_size+2)

-- consider fillfactor
if @fillfactor=0
select @free_cindex_rows_per_page = 2
select @free_cindex_rows_per_page= 8096 * ((100-@fillfactor)/100)/@cindex_row_size

-- Next, calculate the number of pages required to store
-- all the index rows at each level of the index.

select @num_pages_clevel_0=ceiling(convert(decimal,(@data_space_used/8192))/(@cindex_rows_per_page-@free_cindex_rows_per_page))
select @Num_CIndex_Pages=@num_pages_clevel_0
select @num_pages_clevel_x=@num_pages_clevel_0

while @num_pages_clevel_x <> 1
select @num_pages_clevel_y=ceiling(convert(decimal,@num_pages_clevel_x)/(@cindex_rows_per_page-@free_cindex_rows_per_page))
select @Num_CIndex_Pages=@Num_CIndex_Pages+@num_pages_clevel_y
select @num_pages_clevel_x=@num_pages_clevel_y



-- create temp table with non-clustered index info

select indid, colid into #col_list2
from sysindexkeys where id= @table_id and indid<>1 -- indid=1 means clustered

if (select count(*) from #col_list2) >0 -- do the following only if non-clustered indexes exsist
declare @i int -- a counter variable
select @i=1 -- initilize to 2, because 1 is id of clustered index

while @i< 249 -- max number of non-clustered indexes
select @i=@i+1 -- look for the next non-clustered index
-- reinitialize all numbers
select @num_fixed_key_cols = 0,
@fixed_key_size = 0,
@num_variable_key_cols = 0,
@max_var_key_size = 0,
@index_null_bitmap = 0,
@variable_key_size = 0,
@nl_index_row_size = 0,
@nl_index_rows_per_page = 0,
@index_row_size = 0,
@index_rows_per_page = 0,
@free_index_rows_per_page = 0,
@num_pages_level_0 = 0,
@num_pages_level_x = 0,
@num_pages_level_y = 0,
@Num_Index_Pages = 0

-- get total number and total maximum size
-- of fixed-length columns in nonclustered index
select @num_fixed_key_cols=count(name),
@fixed_key_size= sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=0
and colid in (select colid from #col_list2 where indid=@i)
if @num_fixed_key_cols= 0 --@fixed_key_size is null. change to 0
select @fixed_key_size=0

-- get total number and total maximum size of variable-length columns in index

select @num_variable_key_cols=count(name),
@max_var_key_size= sum(length)
from syscolumns
where id= @table_id and xtype in
select xtype from systypes where variable=1
and colid in (select colid from #col_list2 where indid=@i)
if @num_variable_key_cols= 0 --@max_var_key_size is null. change to 0
select @max_var_key_size=0

if @num_fixed_key_cols = 0 and @num_variable_key_cols = 0 --there is no index
-- If there are fixed-length columns in the non-clustered index,
-- a portion of the index row is reserved for the null bitmap. Calculate its size:
if @num_fixed_key_cols <> 0
select @index_null_bitmap=2+((@num_fixed_key_cols + 7)/8)
select @index_null_bitmap=0

-- If there are variable-length columns in the index, determine how much
-- space is used to store the columns within the index row:

if @num_variable_key_cols <> 0
select @variable_key_size=2+(@num_variable_key_cols *2)+@max_var_key_size
select @variable_key_size=0

-- Calculate the non-leaf index row size
select @nl_index_row_size=@fixed_key_size +@variable_key_size+@index_null_bitmap+1+8

--Next, calculate the number of non-leaf index rows per page (8096 free bytes per page):

select @nl_index_rows_per_page=(8096)/(@nl_index_row_size+2)

-- Next, calculate the leaf index row size

select @index_row_size=@cindex_row_size + @fixed_key_size + @variable_key_size+@index_null_bitmap+1

-- Next, calculate the number of leaf level index rows per page

select @index_rows_per_page = 8096/(@index_row_size + 2)

-- Next, calcuate the number of reserved free index rows/page based on fill factor

if @fillfactor=0
-- a 0 fill factor ALMOST fills up the entire page, but not quite.
--The doc says that fill factor zero leaves 2 empty rows (keys)
--in each index page and no free rows in data pages of clustered
--indexes and leaf pages of non-clustered.
--We are working on the non-clustered index pages in this section
select @free_index_rows_per_page=0
select @free_index_rows_per_page= 8096 * ((100-@fillfactor)/100)/@index_row_size

-- Next, calculate the number of pages required to store
-- all the index rows at each level of the index.

select @num_pages_level_0=ceiling(convert(decimal,@num_rows)/@index_rows_per_page-@free_index_rows_per_page)

select @Num_Index_Pages=@num_pages_level_0
select @num_pages_level_x=@num_pages_level_0

while @num_pages_level_x <> 1
select @num_pages_level_y=ceiling(convert(decimal,@num_pages_level_x)/@nl_index_rows_per_page)
select @Num_Index_Pages=@Num_Index_Pages+@num_pages_level_y
select @num_pages_level_x=@num_pages_level_y

select @total_num_nonclustered_index_pages=@total_num_nonclustered_index_pages+@Num_Index_Pages
-- display numbers

select @tot_pages=@num_pages + @Num_CIndex_Pages + @total_num_nonclustered_index_pages
select @table_size_in_bytes= 8192*@tot_pages
select @table_size_in_kbytes= @table_size_in_bytes/1024.0
select @table_size_in_meg= str(@table_size_in_kbytes/1000.0,17,2)

select substring(@table_name,1,20) as 'Table Name',
@num_rows as 'Rows to estimate',
convert(varchar(10),@table_size_in_meg) as 'MB Estimate',
@tot_pages as 'Total Pages',
@num_pages as '#Data Pgs',
@Num_CIndex_Pages as '#Clustered Idx Pgs',
@total_num_nonclustered_index_pages as '#NonClustered Idx Pgs'

EXEC usp_CalcSpace 'DBTRACT'



Table Name           Rows to estimate MB Estimate Total Pages #Data Pgs   #Clustered Idx Pgs #NonClustered Idx Pgs 
-------------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------ --------------------- 
DBTRACT              660542           101.91      12739       12703       36                 0

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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