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(Page 59 of 133) 3985 Result(s) found 


Any2Dec - Convert from any numeric base to decimal
Total Hit (2890) «Code LangId=2»' convert from any base to decimal ' BASE can be in the range 2-36 Function Any2Dec(ByVal otherBaseNumber As String, ByVal base As Integer) As Long Dim digits As String Dim digitValue As Long ' check base If base < 2 Or base > 36 Then Throw New Argum ....Read More
A better way to query for a single node
Total Hit (2511) In the XmlNode class, that is the class that provides node functionality in an XMLDOM representation of an XML document, the SelectNodes (and the ancillary SelectSingleNode) method exploits the XPath query language to let you extract nodes based on logical conditions. The SelectNodes methods return ....Read More
Handle child XML nodes with care
Total Hit (2633) When you work with XML documents loaded into an XmlDocument class, you often need to examine the contents of child nodes. The XMLDOM programming interface purposedly provides the ChildNodes property. In the .NET XmlDocument class, ChildNodes returns an internal object of type XmlChildNodes. (The obj ....Read More
Ask a Yes/no question and return a Boolean
Total Hit (2824) «Code LangId=2» ' Ask a Yes/no question ' returns True if the user replies "Yes" ' Example: MessageBox.Show(AskYesOrNo("Do you like me?", "ME", True)) Function AskYesOrNo(ByVal text As String, ByVal title As String, _ ByVal defaultAnswer As Boolean) As Boolean Dim defButton As Messa ....Read More
CompareList - Compare an argument with a list of values
Total Hit (2562) «Code LangId=2»' Return the position of the argument in a list of values ' or zero if the argument isn't included in the list ' It works for both regular values and for objects ' ' This handy function can often save you a lengthy Select Case ' statement or a complex series of If...ElseIf block ....Read More
CompareValue - Check whether a value is in a list of values
Total Hit (2702) «Code LangId=2»' Compares a numeric or string value with a list of other values. ' Returns the 1-based index of the matching value, or zero if the ' value doesn't appear in the list. ' String comparisons are case-sensitive. ' ' This function can conveniently replace a Select Case or a list ' ....Read More
DisplayExceptionInfo - Displaying error information
Total Hit (2787) «Code LangId=2» ' A reusable routine that displays error information ' Note: requires Imports System.Reflection Sub DisplayExceptionInfo(ByVal e As Exception) ' Display the error message. Console.WriteLine(e.Message) Dim st As New StackTrace(e, True) Dim i As Integer ....Read More
GetApplicationPath - Retrieving the path of the running application or add-in
Total Hit (3337) «Code LangId=2»' Return the application's path. ' Note: it also works with add-ins's dll, whereas Application.StartupPath ' returns ' Visual Studio .NET's startup path instead ' Example: MessageBox.Show(GetApplicationPath()) Function GetApplicationPath() As String Return System.IO.Pa ....Read More
IfNull - If the first argument is Nothing or a null string return the 2nd argument
Total Hit (2654) «Code LangId=2» ' If the first argument is Nothing or a null string return the 2nd argument Function IfNull(ByVal value As String, ByVal defaultValue As Object) As String If Not value Is Nothing AndAlso value.Length > 0 Then Return value Else Return CStr(defaultValue) ....Read More
IsAssembly - Check whether a specified file is a .NET assembly
Total Hit (2657) «Code LangId=2» ' Check whether a specified file is a .NET assembly Function IsAssembly(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean Try Dim asm As [Assembly] = [Assembly].LoadFrom(filename) ' if no exception is thrown, this is an assembly Return True Catch e As Excep ....Read More
IsComDLL - Check whether a DLL is an COM self-registering server
Total Hit (3041) «Code LangId=2»<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32")> Shared Function _ LoadLibrary(ByVal path As String) As Integer End Function <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32")> Shared Function _ GetProcAddress(ByVal hModule As Integer, ByVal procName As String) ....Read More
IsNumeric - Check whether an object is storing a numeric value
Total Hit (2878) «Code LangId=2»' Check whether an object is storing a numeric value ' Examples: ' Dim s As String = "hello" ' Dim d As Double = 2.4 ' Dim i As Integer = 5 ' Debug.WriteLine(IsNumeric(d)) ' => True ' Debug.WriteLine(IsNumeric(s)) ' => False ' Debug.WriteLine(IsNumeric(i) ....Read More
IsValidEmail - Validate an email address
Total Hit (2628) «Code LangId=2» Function IsValidEmail(ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal MaxLength As _ Integer = 255, Optional ByVal IsRequired As Boolean = True) As Boolean If Value Is Nothing OrElse Value.Length = 0 Then ' rule out the null string case Return Not IsRequired ....Read More
IsValidRegularExpression - Checking whether a given regular expression is in valid format
Total Hit (3427) «Code LangId=2» ' Check whether a given regular expression is in valid format ' Examples: ' Debug.WriteLine(IsValidRegularExpression("^((\(\d{3}\) ' ?)|(\d{3}-))?\d{3}-\d{4}$")) ' => True ' Debug.WriteLine(IsValidRegularExpression("^[|)$")) ' => False Function IsValidRegularExpression( ....Read More
IsValidUsPhoneNumber - Validating a US phone number
Total Hit (2987) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US phone number ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-7890")) ' True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-78901")) ' False Function IsValidUsPhoneNumber(ByVal phnNum As String) As Boolean Return System.Text.RegularExp ....Read More
IsValidEmail - Validate an email address
Total Hit (3416) «Code LangId=2» Function IsValidEmail(ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal MaxLength As _ Integer = 255, Optional ByVal IsRequired As Boolean = True) As Boolean If Value Is Nothing OrElse Value.Length = 0 Then ' rule out the null string case Return Not IsRequired ....Read More
IsValidUsPhoneNumber - Validating a US phone number
Total Hit (2951) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US phone number ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-7890")) ' True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-78901")) ' False Function IsValidUsPhoneNumber(ByVal phnNum As String) As Boolean Return System.Text.RegularExp ....Read More
IsValidUsSSN - Validating a US Social Security Number (SSN)
Total Hit (3925) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US Social Security Number ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsSSN("123-12-1234")) ' True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsSSN("123-123-1234")) ' False Function IsValidUsSSN(ByVal ssn As String) As Boolean Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( ....Read More
IsValidUsZip - Validating a US ZIP code
Total Hit (2789) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US ZIP code ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345")) ' => True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345-1234")) ' => True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345-12345")) ' => False Function IsValidUsZip(ByVal zip As String) As Boolean Re ....Read More
KeepInRange - Ensure that a value is in a given range
Total Hit (2544) «Code LangId=2» ' Keep the first argument in the range [lowLimit, highLimit] ' If the value is adjusted, the fourth (optional) argument is set to True ' ' This function works will all basic data types and with objects ' that implement the IComparable interface Function KeepInRange(ByVal va ....Read More
RunningAsExe - Determine whether the code is running in an EXE or DLL
Total Hit (2538) «Code LangId=2» ' Return True if the application is running as an EXE ' Return False if the application is running as a DLL Function RunningAsExe() As Boolean ' get the codebase of the running assembly Dim codeBase As String = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.CodeBase ' ....Read More
Very great tutorial for and XML
Total Hit (2713) Step By Step Powerpoint presentation of all aspects of and XML in .net
Calling web services from behind a proxy server
Total Hit (2082) When you use a web service's proxy class, the calls to the web service might fail if you're behind a proxy server. To solve the problem, you set the Proxy property of a web service's proxy class to an instance of WebProxy, that contains the HTTP proxy settings needed for the web method calls. Here's ....Read More
Make read-only properties visible to Web Services clients
Total Hit (2051) Read-only and write-only properties in a Web Service class aren't visible to the Web Service client. The reason is that XML serialization doesn't support these sort of properties, and read-only and write-only properties aren't included in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documentation. ....Read More
Disable .NET security
Total Hit (2041) The .NET Framework enforces secuity at several levels. For example, assemblies downloaded from the Internet have very limited permissions (especially after installing the Service Pack 1 of the Framework). This means that many operations that would be legal in some cases may throw an exception in oth ....Read More
Reduce COM+ context overhead: activate in the caller's context
Total Hit (2676) Even though you may want to use some COM+ services, it doesn't mean that you have to have a unique context for each and every instance. The root instance, that is, the instance that the client uses, must have a context, but the secondary instances can often co-locate within the first context. In ....Read More
Reduce COM+ context overhead: use modules and shared members
Total Hit (2717) If you use Shared members in .NET or modules in VB6, you reduce COM+ context overhead without any risk whatsoever that you will get extra context overhead for that code. You also release yourself from the clean-up burden that you have in both worlds. Instead of the VB6 consumer code: «Code LangId ....Read More
Select the transaction isolation level and timeout in a serviced component
Total Hit (2947) Writing a transactional COM+ component with VB.NET is as simple as applying the Transaction attribute to a class that inherits from System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent: «Code LangId=2» Imports System.EnterpriseServices < Transaction()> Public Class BankTransfer Inherits ServicedC ....Read More
Support COM+ constructor strings in serviced components
Total Hit (2796) Having a VB6 component support a COM+ construction string requires that you implement the IObjectConstruct interface and its only method, Construct. The .NET ServicedComponent class implements this interface internally and expose the Construct method as a protected, overridable method. Thus your VB. ....Read More
Take advantage of COM+ object pooling
Total Hit (2660) VB6 objects can't be pooled under COM+, because they are apartment threaded. This restriction is void with VB.NET objects (and all .NET objects in general), because they are free-threaded. To make an object poolable you just need to decorate the class with the ObjectPooling attribute: «Code LangI ....Read More

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