Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/22/2006 SQL Server Yukon Querying the SQL Server System Catalog FAQ
08/23/2006 SQL Server Reporting Service Custom Assembly in Reporting Services
08/23/2006 SQL Server Reporting Service How to grant permissions to a custom assembly that is referenced in a report in Reporting Services
03/27/2006 General Errors Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control
03/26/2006 SQL Server General Errors SQL 2000 Install Generates PENDING FILE OPERATIONS Error
03/21/2006 SQL Server Reporting Service How to configure E-Mail Subscription with SQL Reporting Services.
03/08/2006 SQL Server General Errors Problem: After installing SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) Query Analyzer Color Coding not working
02/10/2006 VB Internet How to test CDO email using VB Script.
02/07/2006 SQL Server Reporting Service SQL Reporting Services with Dynamic Column Reports
02/01/2006 Compression How to compress files and data in
02/01/2006 Networking Accessing FTP servers in .NET applications
02/01/2006 Networking GotDotNet User Sample: FTP Client in .NET
02/01/2006 Networking How To Write Pluggable Protocol to Support FTP in Managed Classes by Using Visual Basic .NET
02/01/2006 Networking How to access a File Transfer Protocol site by using Visual Basic .NET
01/19/2006 C/C++/ASM Misc C++ Compiler Trap, Indeterminism in function argument evaluation
01/19/2006 C# Controls Windows Forms Drop Shadow
01/14/2006 Files Uploading Files in ASP.NET 2.0
01/01/2006 Server Controls - Custom Editable ComboBox control in
12/29/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service Report-enable Your Web Apps with Microsoft Reporting Services
12/28/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service SQL Reporting Services Tree Navigation Sample using a Web Service API
12/26/2005 JScript General JavaScript: DHTML API, Drag & Drop for Images and Layers
12/21/2005 C# String C# Regex - Parsing URLs With Regular Expressions
12/21/2005 HttpHandler URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
12/20/2005 SQL Server T-SQL How to run *.bat file using xp_CmdShell
12/16/2005 Utility Forensic Log Parsing with Microsoft's LogParser
12/15/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service How to open hyperlink in a new window in Reporting Services Report (RS with SP1 or higher)
12/15/2005 Search Engine Yahoo Data Centre IP Address List
12/07/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service How can I give my users the ability to dynamically select fields on which to group within a report?
12/07/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service Does Reporting Services support horizontal tables (fixed rows and dynamic columns)?
12/07/2005 SQL Server Reporting Service How can I enable users to select "All" as the value of a query parameter?
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