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(Page 17 of 133) 3985 Result(s) found 


BusinessDateAdd - Add or subtract a number of business days from a date
Total Hit (2833) «Code LangId=1» ' add or subtract a number of business days from a date ' ' Note that it doesn't take Christmas, Easter and ' other holidays into account Function BusinessDateAdd(ByVal days As Long, ByVal StartDate As Date, _ Optional ByVal SaturdayIsHoliday As Boolean = True) As Date ....Read More
BusinessDateDiff - Evaluate the number of business days between two dates
Total Hit (2949) «Code LangId=1» ' Evaluate the number of business days between two dates ' ' Note that it doesn't take Christmas, Easter and ' other holidays into account Function BusinessDateDiff(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date, _ Optional ByVal SaturdayIsHoliday As Boolean = True) As L ....Read More
EasterDate - Evaluate the date of Easter for a given year
Total Hit (2862) «Code LangId=1» ' Evaluate the Easter date for a given year Function EasterDate(ByVal Year As Integer) As Date Dim G As Integer Dim C As Integer Dim H As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim L As Integer Dim Month As Integer Dim Day As Integer ....Read More
FormatDateTimeEx - Extended formatting for date and time values
Total Hit (2961) «Code LangId=1» Enum DateTimeFormat dtGeneralDate dtLongDate dtMediumDate dtShortDate dtLongTime dtMediumTime dtShortTime dtCustom End Enum ' Enhanced VB FormatDateTime function Function FormatDateTimeEx(newDate, Optional ByVal dtFormat As ....Read More
FormatInternationalDate - Retrieving a date in an international format
Total Hit (3420) «Code LangId=1»' *** International date handler Public Enum eDateLocale edlArabic = &H401 edlDanish = &H406 edlGerman = &H407 edlSwissGerman = &H807 edlAmerican = &H409 edlBritish = &H809 edlAustralian = &HC09 edlSpanish = &H40A edlFinnish = &H40B edlFrench ....Read More
GetDBDate - Formatting a date as a DateSerial for Access
Total Hit (2790) «Code LangId=1»' Format a date as a DateSerial for Access ' Example: Debug.Print GetDBDate(date) Public Function GetDBDate(sDate As String) As String On Error GoTo ERROR_GetDBDate Dim sTmp As String If IsDate(sDate) = False Then sTmp = sDate Else sTmp = "DateSe ....Read More
GetRoshHashanah - Get the date of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish calendar)
Total Hit (2804) «Code LangId=1»' Returns the date that Rosh Hashanah begins ' for the requested year. It is important to note that ' Rosh Hashanah is based on the Lunar cycle so the Holiday ' actually begins at sunset of the day before the date ' returned by this function. ' Note: Many dates in the Jewish ....Read More
IsValidDateField - Check whether a date is valid
Total Hit (3345) «Code LangId=1»Enum psDateTypes AnyValidDate 'Allows any valid date to be entered PastDate 'Only allows past dates (before today) to be entered FutureDate 'Only allows future dates (after today) to be entered TodayOrFuture 'Only allows today or future date to be ....Read More
Monday - retrieving the date of the Monday for a specified week
Total Hit (2708) «Code LangId=1» ' Return the date of the Monday for a specified week.. ' This function can be tweaked to return any weekday. I use it in Access to ' subdivide reports into weekly units, since Access displays only a number ' between 1 and 53 for the week when you group dates by week. ' ' Note ....Read More
PerformanceTimer - A class module for high-resolution time measurement
Total Hit (3531) «Code LangId=1» '------------------------------------------- ' PerformanceTimer class module '------------------------------------------- ' Use this class to profile your code and any other operation ' typically with a precision greater than 1 millionth of a second ' ' As soon as you creat ....Read More
SecondsToString - Convert a number of seconds into a formatted time string
Total Hit (2721) «Code LangId=1» ' Converts a numeric value in seconds to a string ' Example: ' MsgBox SecondsToString(3920) --> 1h.5m.20s Function SecondsToString(ByVal Seconds As Long) As String SecondsToString = (Seconds \ 3600) & "h." & ((Seconds \ 60) Mod 60) & "m." _ & (Seconds Mod ....Read More
SecondsToTime - Convert a number of seconds to a Date value
Total Hit (2824) «Code LangId=1»' Converts a numeric value in seconds to a time value ' Example: ' MsgBox SecondsToTime(11120) --> 3.5.20 AM Function SecondsToTime(ByVal Seconds As Long) As Date SecondsToTime = CDate(Seconds / 86400) End Function «/Code» ....Read More
TimeToMinutes - Convert a time value into a number of minutes
Total Hit (2660) «Code LangId=1»' Converts a time value to a numeric value in minutes ' Example: ' MsgBox TimeToMinutes(TimeSerial(3, 5, 0)) --> 185 Function TimeToMinutes(ByVal newTime As Date) As Long TimeToMinutes = Hour(newTime) * 60 + Minute(newTime) End Function «/Code» ....Read More
TimeToSeconds - Convert a time value into a number of seconds
Total Hit (3665) «Code LangId=1»' Converts a time value to a numeric value in seconds ' Example: ' MsgBox TimeToSeconds(TimeSerial(3, 5, 20)) --> 11120 Function TimeToSeconds(ByVal newTime As Date) As Long TimeToSeconds = Hour(newTime) * 3600 + Minute(newTime) * 60 + Second _ (newTime) ....Read More
TimeToString - Convert time to a descriptive string
Total Hit (3785) «Code LangId=1»' convert a date value into a string in the format ' YY years, MM months, DD days, HH hours, MM minutes, SS.HH seconds) ' you can also opt for time short format (HH h, MM m, SS s) Function TimeToString(ByVal aDate As Date, Optional ShortTimeFormat As Boolean, _ Optional ....Read More
ArrayAny - Return an initialized array of any type
Total Hit (2043) «Code LangId=1» ' Returns an array and initializes it with passed data. ' ' It is similar to the Array function, but it works with ' array of any type. The type of the returned array is ' assumed to be the type of the first element in the ' parameter list, so you might need to force a given ....Read More
ArrayAvg - The average of an array of any type
Total Hit (2086) «Code LangId=1» ' The average of an array of any type ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively ' if IGNOREEMPTY argument is True or omitted, ' Empty values aren't accounted for Function ArrayA ....Read More
ArrayMax - The value and index of highest element in an array of any type
Total Hit (2084) «Code LangId=1»' Return the maximum value in an array of any type ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively ' If MAXINDEX is passed, it receives the index of the ' maximum element in the array F ....Read More
ArrayMin - The value and index of lowest element in an array of any type
Total Hit (2143) «Code LangId=1» ' Return the minimum value in an array of any type ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively ' If MININDEX is passed, it receives the index of the ' minimum element in the array ....Read More
ArrayShuffle - Randomize the order of elements in an array
Total Hit (3429) «Code LangId=1» ' Shuffle the elements of an array of any type ' (it doesn't work with arrays of objects or UDT) Sub ArrayShuffle(arr As Variant) Dim index As Long Dim newIndex As Long Dim firstIndex As Long Dim itemCount As Long Dim tmpValue As Variant firs ....Read More
ArrayStdDev - The standard deviation of a numeric array
Total Hit (3154) «Code LangId=1»' The standard deviation of an array of any type ' ' if the second argument is True or omitted, ' it evaluates the standard deviation of a sample, ' if it is False it evaluates the standard deviation of a population ' ' if the third argument is True or omitted, Empty values are ....Read More
ArraySum - The sum of all the items in an array of any type
Total Hit (2419) «Code LangId=1» ' Return the sum of the values in an array of any type ' (for string arrays, it concatenates all its elements) ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively Function ArraySum(arr As ....Read More
ArrLongestItem - The value and index of the longest element of an array of any type
Total Hit (2305) «Code LangId=1»' The longest item in an array of any type ' (it applies the LEN function to all the items in the array ' and then takes the highest value) ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively ....Read More
ArrShortestItem - The value and index of the shortest element of an array of any type
Total Hit (2166) «Code LangId=1»' The shortest item in an array of any type ' (it applies the LEN function to all the items in the array ' and then takes the highest value) ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectivel ....Read More
ArrShortestItem - The value and index of the shortest element of an array of any type
Total Hit (2106) «Code LangId=1»' The shortest item in an array of any type ' (it applies the LEN function to all the items in the array ' and then takes the highest value) ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectivel ....Read More
BubbleSort - Sort Arrays using the BubbleSort Algorithm
Total Hit (3025) «Code LangId=1» ' Bubble Sort an array of any type ' BubbleSort is especially convenient with small arrays (1,000 ' items or fewer) or with arrays that are already almost sorted ' ' NUMELS is the index of the last item to be sorted, and is ' useful if the array is only partially filled. ' ' ....Read More
StrReverse - A replacement for the VB6's StrReverse function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1531) «Code LangId=1»' A replacement for the StrReverse function for VB4 and VB5 Function StrReverse(ByVal Text As String) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long length = Len(Text) StrReverse = Space$(length) For index = 1 To length Mid$(StrReverse, length + 1 - ....Read More
UniqueWords - Extract all individual words in a string
Total Hit (1694) «Code LangId=1» ' build a list of all the individual words in a string ' ' returns a collection that contains all the unique words. ' The key for each item is the word itself ' so you can easily use the result collection to both ' enumerate the words and test whether a given word appears ' ....Read More
Concatenate an array of strings with commas and a final "and", or other separators
Total Hit (1559) «Code LangId=1»' Concatenate an array of strings with commas and a final "and", ' or other separators ' ' Example: ' Debug.WriteLine("Choose one from " & CreateStringList(New String() {"item1", ' "item2", "item3"})) ' ' => Choose one from item1, item2 and item3 Function CreateStringL ....Read More
StrReverse - A replacement for the VB6's StrReverse function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1422) «Code LangId=1»' A replacement for the StrReverse function for VB4 and VB5 Function StrReverse(ByVal Text As String) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long length = Len(Text) StrReverse = Space$(length) For index = 1 To length Mid$(StrReverse, length + 1 - ....Read More

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