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(Page 126 of 133) 3985 Result(s) found 


Estimate the table size (Data + Index) for a given # of rows
Total Hit (2409) Ever tried to estimate the table total size which include data and index in calculation ? Believe me its not easy job to estimate the size of a table for a give # of rows. Here is the kool SP which does it for you. Full credit goes to Sharon Dooley for his excellent Job. «code LangId=6»if exis ....Read More
Error : "The provider could not support a row lookup position....."
Total Hit (5218) Sometimes when you try to do update/delete or insert on linked server you might get the following error. «font color=red»Server: Msg 7306, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open table '"Mydb"."dbo"."myTable"' from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookup po ....Read More
sp_CrossTab : Stored Procedure to create cross tab output in SQL Server
Total Hit (12697) We know that SQL Server does not have TRANSFORM function or similar functionality which you have in MS Access but here is the stored procedure to make your life easy. «code LangId=6»Use master go drop proc sp_CrossTab go CREATE PROC sp_CrossTab @table AS sysname, -- Table to crosstab @onrow ....Read More
Search/Replace text in text, ntext datatype column
Total Hit (3114) In SQL Server anything text longer than 8000 characters can be stored in TEXT or NTEXT datatype column but when you use TEXT or NTEXT datatype is not same as regular char, varchar, nchar or nvarchar datatype. You can not use string function like ltrim, rtrim, replace etc... Then how do you search an ....Read More
RC4 Encryption/Decryption Algorithm as a UDF to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data in SQL Server
Total Hit (9855) This code is written by Brad Baker and Mike Arney «code LangId=6»SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fn_string_helper]') and (OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTableFunction') + OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsInlineF ....Read More
How to enable SSL encryption for SQL Server 2000
Total Hit (2591) This step-by-step article demonstrates how to install a certificate on a computer that is running SQL Server 2000 by using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and describes how to enable SSL Encryption at the server, or for specific clients. «a href=''»http:/ ....Read More
How to find tablesize and estimated rows for all tables
Total Hit (2706) Since there is no easy way using Enterprise Manager to know size and rows for all tables you need to write your own query. Run the following Query to see the result «code LangId=6»USE Northwind Go SELECT a.Name , SUM(b.RowCnt) EstRowCount , SUM(b.Used) * 8 TableSize_KB , (SU ....Read More
How to add/configure a new Linked server using T-SQL
Total Hit (8408) Here is the T-SQL script to add linked server using sp_addlinkedserver SP. Once you add linked server you can add login using sp_addlinkedsrvlogin. By default current login is mapped with linked server means remote machine must have exact same login with same password in order to get access to the l ....Read More
How to start SQL Server Agent automatically when SQL Server starts.
Total Hit (3520) When you install SQL Server by default SQL Server Agent Service is set to Start Manual mode and some times this can stop your scheduled jobs. Its also possible that you stop Agent and forget to turn it on. This article will show you how to create a SP which can start SQL Server Agent service if i ....Read More
How to recover database from suspect mode?
Total Hit (26305) Sometime your database may go into suspect mode. A database can be marked suspect for one of the following reasons (this is from SQL Server Books Online): «code LangId=0»If one or more database files are not available. If the entire database is not available. If one or more database files are ....Read More
Finding SQL Server Object Name from PageNumber
Total Hit (6601) Most of time when sql server throw an error will tell you object Id or PageNumber. This article will show you how to find which object caused the error. «b»Step-By-Step Example«/b» Lets say you got the folloing error from SQL Server «b»Error«/b» «font color=red»Error: 7105, Severity: ....Read More
UDF : ParseArray - return table from CSV
Total Hit (3509) Sometimes we may need to store values in one field using some sort of seperating character. For example if you want to store multiple values in one field instead of normalizing your table and creating a whole new table to store multiple records. This articles will show you how you can create a UDF w ....Read More
Shrinking transaction log file on sql server 7.0
Total Hit (1929) Many times when I do bult insert/delete operation my transaction log grows very fast and I use this scipt to shrink it. This simple scrip will show you how to shrink transaction log file in SQL Server 7.0 when your DBCC SHRINKFILE command wont work. In most cases DBCC SHRINKFILE(<log filename>,<new ....Read More
How to change owner of DTS Package
Total Hit (2742) Here is an example to change ownership of a DTS Package of SQL Server. You can use undocumented stored procedure msdb.dbo.sp_reassign_dtspackageowner to change ownership. This stored proc requires 3 parameters. First parameter is @name which is name of package. Second parameter is @id which unique I ....Read More
How to display a portion of XML text with tags and without tag ?
Total Hit (2873) «code LangId=6»DECLARE @h int EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT,N' <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Orders> <Item> <CID>1</CID> <ModelNumber>HO1255</ModelNumber> <Features> <AutoStart>Yes</AutoStart> <AutoGear>No</AutoGear> <PowerWindow>Yes</PowerWindow> </Features> ....Read More
Stored procedure to take a database in Single User Mode/Multi User Mode
Total Hit (4472) Sometimes it is must to take a specific database in single user mode. The most known issue is database/table or index corruption. To fix this problem you have to run DBCC CHECKDB with REPAIR_REBUILT or REPAIR_FAST option and to do so you have to take your database in single user mode. Here is a ....Read More
Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with DBCC SHRINKFILE
Total Hit (2680) Today I faced a strange problem. I have a database called NiteLink and logfile grew upto 25GB but actual data is only 2GB in datafile. So I tried to run the following command to shrink log file to 1.5 GB «code LangId=6»DBCC SHRINKFILE (nitelink_log, 1500)«/code» But this command did not do anyth ....Read More
Stored procedure to set/reset columns's identity property
Total Hit (3390) You can use ALTER TABLE statement to add/remove column and to change some attributes of a column but there are some limitations with ALTER TABLE statement. You can not use ALTER TABLE to set a column as an identity column (Auto Increment field). You can ADD a new column with IDENTITY property but ca ....Read More
MD5 Algorithm implementation in T-SQL
Total Hit (10048) MD5 is very secure one way encryption. You can use MD5 to encrypt passwords stored in database.
Introduction To Data Warehousing Concept.
Total Hit (3306) Here is a Power Point Presentation for DataWarehousing. Its for all those who want to know the basics of DataWarehousing.
This is a link to a different site How to move, copy, and back up full-text catalog folders and files
Total Hit (1500) Full-text catalogs and indexes are not stored in a SQL Server database. Full-text catalogs and indexes are stored in separate files that the Microsoft Search service manages. The full-text catalog files are not recovered during a Microsoft SQL Server recovery. Additionally, you cannot use the Transa ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocks in SQL Server 2000: Part I
Total Hit (1218) This article will cover SQL Server locking in detail. It will also cover how locking can be prevented.
This is a link to a different site Resolving blocking problems that are caused by lock escalation in SQL Server
Total Hit (2018) Lock escalation is the process of converting many fine-grained locks (such as row or page locks) into table locks. Microsoft SQL Server dynamically determines when to perform lock escalation. When making this decision, SQL Server takes into account the number of locks that are held on a particular s ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Learning SQL Server 2005
Total Hit (995) Everyone wants to get ahead of the curve with SQL Server 2005, but many people don't have the time or desire to dig through a Google search. Steve Jones has gotten quite a few requests for resources, so here is a compiled list of some places that might help you get started. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Backup/Restore or Move DTS package(s) using DTSBackup 2000
Total Hit (1673) This small application allows you backup DTS Packages by saving them to COM-structured storage files. This can be done for both server based packages and those stored in the repository.
This is a link to a different site Writing Secure Transact-SQL
Total Hit (702) There are plenty of good sources of information about how to deploy SQL Server in a secure fashion. However, these resources are often targeted at database administrators tasked with securing already developed applications. In addition, there is a rich body of information that discusses writing secu ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Implementing Error Handling with Stored Procedures
Total Hit (630) This is one of two articles about error handling in SQL Server. This article gives you recommendations for how you should implement error handling when you write stored procedures, including when you call them from ADO.
This is a link to a different site The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL
Total Hit (761) In this article I will discuss the of use dynamic SQL in stored procedures in MS SQL Server, and I will show that this is a powerful feature that you should use with care.
This is a link to a different site How to share data between stored procedures
Total Hit (700) Questions you often see in newsgroups about MS SQL Server are: How can I use the result set from one stored procedure in another or How can I use the result set from a stored procedure in a SELECT statement?
This is a link to a different site Connecting to MS SQL Server from Unix
Total Hit (1042) I've written this page as I keep getting questions on how to access MS SQL Server from Unix. I have never had any reason talk to SQL Server from Unix myself, but since people kept asking me how to do it, I decided to compile an web page with the tiny fragments of information and I have. The main foc ....Read More

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