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I spent several hours to find some article to convert Source Code into HTML with different colorcode for keywords/literal/comment/function. But no luck and finally I wrote my own ColorCoding Engine. This article will show you how you can utilize power of Regular Expression to solve your very complex programming challanges.

This article assume that you have basic knowledge with Regular Expressions. if you are not familier with Regular Expression then please check out our Regular Expression Articles

Lets start with namespace declaration which we need while processsing the sourcecode

Click here to copy the following block
Option Explicit On

Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.HttpUtility
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

We will use 2 mail Regular expression to accomplish out task. First we need to seperate code block and description block from given string.

This article assume that your code block is seperated by the following syntax

Click here to copy the following block
Some Description
«Code LangId=[your Language]»
 'Your Code Will Go Here

Some Description

To find codeblock from given string we will use following Regular Expression

Click here to copy the following block
'//Block Finder Regular

And to do colorcoding and replacement of unwanted characters we will use following RegX

Click here to copy the following block
'//Master RegX for Color Coding
'(?<kw>\b(dim|if|else)\b\s*)(?#    (?#keywords)
'|(?<fun>\b(Get|Put)\b\s*)      (?#function)  
'|(?<str>"[^"]*"\s*)         (?#string in double quotes)  
'|(?<com>('[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)      (?#VB/ single line style comment)
'|(?<com>/\*[\d\D]*?\*/)       (?#SQL/C#/C++ Block style comment)
'|(?<com>(--[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)      (?#SQL single line style comment)
'|(?<com>(\/\/[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)     (?#C++ single line style comment)  
'|(?<com><!--[\s\S]*?-->)       (?#HTML style comment)  
'|(?<sp>\b((sp_)|(xp_))[0-9 a-z A-Z]{0,125}\b\s*)  (?# SQL SP starting with sp_ or xp_ 128 char max)

In this class there are 2 public function which we will use to process colorcode.

Click here to copy the following block
'//Process Text with code block and description blocks
Public Function GetHTMLTextEx(ByRef strInput As String) As String
  sb = New StringBuilder
  GetHTMLTextEx = ProcessArticleBlocks(strInput)
End Function

Click here to copy the following block
'//This function will assume tht there is no Description block
'//This function will give better performance than previous one.
'//So if only source code needs to be processed then use this function
Public Function GetHTMLText(ByRef strInput As String, ByVal LangId As Integer) As String
  sb = New StringBuilder
  GetHTMLText = ProcessCodeBlock(LangId, strInput, True)
End Function

Now finally How to use this class

Click here to copy the following block
Const LANG_VB=1

Dim strCode as String
Dim strFormattedOut as String
Dim cc as New CColorCode("95%")

'//only Code
strCode ="Dim I as Integer" & vbCrLf & "Msgbox ""Hello World"""


'//only Code + Description
strCode =" This is just description &#171;Code LangId=1&#187; Dim I as Integer" & vbCrLf & "Msgbox ""Hello World"" &#171;/Code&#187;"


I have used following style sheet classes for colorcoding

Click here to copy the following block
/* VB/ ColorCoding */
  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: blue;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: red;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: maroon;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: Green;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

/* ASP/ ColorCoding */
  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: blue;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: red;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: maroon;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: Green;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

/* SQL ColorCoding */

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: blue;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'
   font-size: 12px;
   color: gray;
   font-family: 'Courier New';

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: red;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'

   font-size: 12px;
   color: fuchsia;
   font-family: 'Courier New';

  FONT-SIZE: 12px;
  COLOR: Green;
  FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'
   font-size: 12px;
   color: maroon;
   font-family: 'Courier New';

   font-size: 12px;
   color: black;
   font-family: 'Courier New';
   background-color: #fbedbb;
   font-size: 11px;
   color: black;
   font-family: tahoma;

Full implementation of CColorCode.vb

Click here to copy the following block
'Author : Nayan Patel
'Copyright © Binaryworld 2004, All Rights Reserved.

Option Explicit On

Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.HttpUtility
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class CColorCode
  '//Block Seperator RegX
  '//Color Coding RegX
  '(?<kw>\b(dim|if|else)\b\s*)(?#        (?#keywords)
  '|(?<fun>\b(Get|Put)\b\s*)          (?#function)
  '|(?<str>"[^"]*"\s*)             (?#string in double quotes)
  '|(?<com>('[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)          (?#VB/ single line style comment)
  '|(?<com>/\*[\d\D]*?\*/)           (?#SQL/C#/C++ Block style comment)
  '|(?<com>(--[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)          (?#SQL single line style comment)
  '|(?<com>(\/\/[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)         (?#C++ single line style comment)
  '|(?<com><!--[\s\S]*?-->)           (?#HTML style comment)
  '|(?<sp>\b((sp_)|(xp_))[0-9 a-z A-Z]{0,125}\b\s*) (?# SQL stored procedure starting with sp_ or xp_ maximum 128 characters allowed)

  Public Event OnNewBlock(ByVal BlockText As String, ByVal BlockType As enumBlockType)

  Dim ArticleDelegate As New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf BlockMatchHandler)
  Dim CodeBlockDelegate As New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf CodeBlockHandler)
  Dim DescBlockDelegate As New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf DescBlockHandler)

  Dim codeblock_start_tag, codeblock_end_tag, description_start_tag, description_end_tag As String

  Public Enum enumBlockType
  End Enum
    Public Enum WordListTypeEnum
    KEYWORDS = 0
  End Enum

  Public Enum LanguageEnum
    All = 0
    VB = 1
    VBnet = 2
    CSharp = 3
    ASPnet = 4
    ASP = 5
    SQL = 6
    VCPlusPlus = 7
  End Enum
  Dim fun_class, kw_class, str_class, comment_class, sp_class, ope_class As String
  Dim strKeyWordList, strFunctionList, strOperatorList As String

  Dim tabSpaceCount As Byte
  Dim CurrentLangId As Integer
  Dim sb As StringBuilder
  Public Sub New(Optional ByVal tableWidth As String = "95%")
    codeblock_start_tag = "<TABLE borderColor=#fbedbb cellPadding=15 width=" & tableWidth & " bgColor=#fbedbb border=1 class=codeblock><tr><td>"
    codeblock_end_tag = "</td></tr></table>"
    description_start_tag = "<TABLE width=" & tableWidth & " bgColor=#ffffff border=0><tr><td><Span class=descblock>"
    description_end_tag = "</span></td></tr></table>"
    tabSpaceCount = 4
  End Sub
  Public Function GetHTMLTextEx(ByRef strInput As String) As String
    sb = New StringBuilder
    GetHTMLTextEx = ProcessArticleBlocks(strInput)
  End Function
  Public Function GetHTMLText(ByRef strInput As String, ByVal LangId As Integer) As String
    sb = New StringBuilder
    GetHTMLText = ProcessCodeBlock(LangId, strInput, True)
  End Function
  Private Function GetTab() As String
    Dim i As Byte
    For i = 1 To tabSpaceCount
      If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
        GetTab = GetTab & "&nbsp;"
        GetTab = GetTab & " "
      End If
  End Function
  Private Function ProcessArticleBlocks(ByRef strInput As String) As String
    '//Write code to loop through each block (Desc/Code)
    Dim strRegX As String = "((?<codestart>(«\s*)(code\s+)(LangId\s*=\s*)(?<langid>\d{1,2})\s*»)(?<code>(.|\n)*?)(?<codeend>(«\s*)(\/\s*code)\s*»))"

    'Dim strRegX As String = "((?<codestart>(«\s*)(code\s+)(LangId\s*=\s*)(?<langid>\d{1,2})\s*»)|(?<codeend>(«\s*)(\/\s*code)\s*»))"
    'Dim strRegX_A As String = "((?<codestart>(«\s*)(code\s+)(LangId\s*=\s*)(?<langid>\d{1,2})\s*»)" '//to find code start
    'Dim strRegX_B As String = "(?<codeend>(«\s*)(\/\s*code)\s*»))" '//to find code end

    Dim cur_ptr, block_sptr, block_eptr As Integer
    Dim HasMoreBlock As Boolean
    Dim bCount As Integer
    Dim strDesc As String
    Dim re As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(strRegX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Multiline Or RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)
    Dim m As Match
    Dim PrevBlockType As enumBlockType
    Dim EndTagFound, StartTagFound, CodeFound As Boolean

    strInput = TrimEx(strInput) '//Remove preceding and trailing whitespaces

    sb = New StringBuilder

    block_sptr = 0
    block_eptr = 0

    If strInput.Length > 0 Then
      HasMoreBlock = True
    End If

    Do While HasMoreBlock = True
      m = re.Match(strInput, block_sptr)

      If m.Success Then
        HasMoreBlock = True
        cur_ptr = m.Index
        '//Set some flags
        StartTagFound = IIf(m.Groups("codestart").Value <> "", True, False)
        EndTagFound = IIf(m.Groups("codeend").Value <> "", True, False)
        CodeFound = IIf(m.Groups("code").Value <> "", True, False)

        '//If Prev block is desc block then process it first
        If cur_ptr > block_sptr Then
          strDesc = TrimEx(strInput.Substring(block_sptr, cur_ptr - block_sptr))
          If strDesc <> "" Then sb.Append (description_start_tag & ProcessDescBlock(strDesc) & description_end_tag)
        End If

        If StartTagFound = True And EndTagFound = True And CodeFound = True Then '//Start+Code+End
          sb.Append (BlockMatchHandler(m))
          block_sptr = cur_ptr + m.Length
        Else '//For all other case dont Process
          block_sptr = cur_ptr + m.Length
        End If
        cur_ptr = block_sptr

        If block_sptr < strInput.Length Then '//If still not end then process for desc else we r done with processing
          If cur_ptr = 0 Then
            strDesc = strInput.Substring(block_sptr, strInput.Length)
            If strDesc <> "" Then sb.Append (description_start_tag & ProcessDescBlock(strDesc) & description_end_tag)
            strDesc = TrimEx(strInput.Substring(block_sptr, strInput.Length - block_sptr))
            If strDesc <> "" Then sb.Append (description_start_tag & ProcessDescBlock(strDesc) & description_end_tag)
          End If
        End If
        HasMoreBlock = False
      End If

    ProcessArticleBlocks = sb.ToString
  End Function

  Private Function BlockMatchHandler(ByVal m As Match) As String
    If m.Groups("code").Value <> "" Then
      Select Case m.Groups("langid").Value
        Case LanguageEnum.VB, LanguageEnum.VBnet, LanguageEnum.CSharp
          BlockMatchHandler = codeblock_start_tag & ProcessCodeBlock(m.Groups("langid").Value, TrimEx(m.Groups("code").Value)) & codeblock_end_tag
        Case LanguageEnum.SQL
          BlockMatchHandler = codeblock_start_tag & ProcessCodeBlock(m.Groups("langid").Value, TrimEx(m.Groups("code").Value)) & codeblock_end_tag
        Case LanguageEnum.ASP, LanguageEnum.ASPnet
          BlockMatchHandler = codeblock_start_tag & ProcessCodeBlock(m.Groups("langid").Value, TrimEx(m.Groups("code").Value)) & codeblock_end_tag
        Case Else
          BlockMatchHandler = codeblock_start_tag & ProcessCodeBlock(m.Groups("langid").Value, TrimEx(m.Groups("code").Value)) & codeblock_end_tag
      End Select
      BlockMatchHandler = description_start_tag & ProcessDescBlock(m.Groups("desc").Value) & description_end_tag
    End If
  End Function

  Private Function CodeBlockHandler(ByVal m As Match) As String
    Select Case CurrentLangId
      Case LanguageEnum.VB, LanguageEnum.CSharp, LanguageEnum.VBnet
        If m.Groups("kw").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & kw_class & ">" & m.Groups("kw").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("str").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & str_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("str").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("com").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & comment_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("com").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("twospace").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;" & " "
        ElseIf m.Groups("space").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("tab").Value = vbTab Then
          CodeBlockHandler = GetTab()
        ElseIf m.Groups("newline").Value = vbCrLf Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<BR>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("lt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&lt;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("gt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&gt;"
          CodeBlockHandler = m.ToString
        End If

      Case LanguageEnum.ASP, LanguageEnum.ASPnet
        If m.Groups("kw").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & kw_class & ">" & m.Groups("kw").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("fun").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & fun_class & ">" & m.Groups("fun").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("str").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & str_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("str").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("com").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & comment_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("com").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("twospace").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;" & " "
        ElseIf m.Groups("space").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("tab").Value = vbTab Then
          CodeBlockHandler = GetTab()
        ElseIf m.Groups("newline").Value = vbCrLf Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<BR>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("lt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&lt;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("gt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&gt;"
          CodeBlockHandler = m.ToString
        End If

      Case LanguageEnum.SQL
        If m.Groups("kw").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & kw_class & ">" & m.Groups("kw").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("fun").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & fun_class & ">" & m.Groups("fun").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("ope").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & ope_class & ">" & m.Groups("ope").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("str").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & str_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("str").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("com").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & comment_class & ">" & GetHTMLEncodedStr(m.Groups("com").Value) & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("sp").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<span class=" & sp_class & ">" & m.Groups("sp").Value & "</span>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("twospace").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;" & " "
        ElseIf m.Groups("space").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&nbsp;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("tab").Value = vbTab Then
          CodeBlockHandler = GetTab()
        ElseIf m.Groups("newline").Value = vbCrLf Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "<BR>"
        ElseIf m.Groups("lt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&lt;"
        ElseIf m.Groups("gt").Value <> "" Then
          CodeBlockHandler = "&gt;"
          CodeBlockHandler = m.ToString
        End If

    End Select
  End Function
  Private Function GetHTMLEncodedStr(ByVal inStr As String) As String
    GetHTMLEncodedStr = inStr.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;").Replace(" ", " &nbsp;").Replace(vbCrLf, "<BR>").Replace(vbTab, GetTab())
  End Function
  Private Function DescBlockHandler(ByVal m As Match) As String
    If m.Groups("str").Value <> "" Then
      DescBlockHandler = "<span class=" & str_class & ">" & m.Groups("str").Value & "</span>"
    ElseIf m.Groups("twospace").Value <> "" Then
      DescBlockHandler = "&nbsp;" & " "
    ElseIf m.Groups("tab").Value = vbTab Then
      DescBlockHandler = GetTab()
    ElseIf m.Groups("newline").Value = vbCrLf Then
      DescBlockHandler = "<BR>"
    ElseIf m.Groups("lt").Value <> "" Then
      DescBlockHandler = "&lt;"
    ElseIf m.Groups("gt").Value <> "" Then
      DescBlockHandler = "&gt;"
      DescBlockHandler = m.ToString
    End If
  End Function
  Private Function ProcessCodeBlock(ByVal LangId As Integer, ByRef strCodeBlock As String, Optional ByVal AddTags As Boolean = False) As String
    CurrentLangId = LangId
    Select Case LangId
      Case LanguageEnum.VB, LanguageEnum.VBnet, LanguageEnum.CSharp
        kw_class = "vbkw"
        fun_class = "vbfun"
        str_class = "vbstr"
        comment_class = "vbcomment"
        sp_class = ""
        ope_class = "vbope"
      Case LanguageEnum.ASP, LanguageEnum.ASPnet
        kw_class = "aspkw"
        fun_class = "aspfun"
        str_class = "aspstr"
        comment_class = "aspcomment"
        sp_class = ""
        ope_class = ""
      Case LanguageEnum.SQL
        kw_class = "sqlkw"
        fun_class = "sqlfun"
        str_class = "sqlstr"
        comment_class = "sqlcomment"
        sp_class = "sqlsp"
        ope_class = "sqlope"

      Case Else
        fun_class = ""
        kw_class = ""
        str_class = "vbstr"
        comment_class = ""
        sp_class = ""
        ope_class = ""
    End Select

    Dim strRegX As String
    strRegX = GetRegX(LangId)
    Dim re As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(strRegX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace Or RegexOptions.Multiline)

    If AddTags = True Then
      ProcessCodeBlock = codeblock_start_tag & re.Replace(strCodeBlock, CodeBlockDelegate) & codeblock_end_tag
      ProcessCodeBlock = re.Replace(strCodeBlock, CodeBlockDelegate)
    End If
  End Function
  Private Function ProcessDescBlock(ByRef strDescBlock As String)
    str_class = ""
    Dim strRegX As String = GetRegX()
    Dim re As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(strRegX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace Or RegexOptions.Multiline)
    '//No need to process this coz its description
    ProcessDescBlock = re.Replace(strDescBlock, DescBlockDelegate)
  End Function
  Private Function GetWordList(LangId As Integer, WordType As WordListTypeEnum)
    Select Case LangId
      Case 1 'VB
        Select Case WordType
          Case 0 'keyword
            GetWordList = "DIM|INTEGER|WHILE|LOOP|FOR|IF|ELSE"
          Case 1 'operator
          Case 2 'function
        End Select
      Case 2 '
        Select Case WordType
          Case 0 'keyword
            GetWordList = "DIM|INTEGER|WHILE|LOOP|FOR|IF|ELSE"
          Case 1 'operator
          Case 2 'function
        End Select
      Case 6 'SQL
        Select Case WordType
          Case 0 'keyword
            GetWordList = "SELECT|FROM|WHILE|LOOP|BEGIN"
          Case 1 'operator
            GetWordList = "AND|OR|NOT"
          Case 2 'function
            GetWordList = "COUNT|MIN|MAX|SUM"
        End Select
      ' add more languages

      Case Else
    End Select
  End Function
  Private Function GetRegX(Optional ByVal LangId As Integer = 0) As String

    Dim strRegX As String
    Dim WordLookuptable As DataTable
    If LangId > 0 Then
      strKeyWordList = GetWordList(LangId, WordListTypeEnum.KEYWORDS).Replace("#", "\#") ' HTML Encode for #
      strFunctionList = GetWordList(LangId, WordListTypeEnum.FUNCTIONS).Replace("#", "\#") ' HTML Encode for #
      strOperatorList = GetWordList(LangId, WordListTypeEnum.OPERATORS).Replace("#", "\#") ' HTML Encode for #
    End If

    Select Case LangId
      Case LanguageEnum.VB, LanguageEnum.VBnet
        strRegX = "(?<twospace>\x20\x20)(?#HTML only put one space and for second space use & nbsp;)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<newline>\r\n)            (?#we need to put <BR> for new line)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<tab>\t)               (?#html doesnt display Tab character so put some spaces instead of tab )" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<space>\x20)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<lt><)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<gt>>)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<kw>\b(" & strKeyWordList & ")\b)  (?#Keywords)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<fun>\b(" & strFunctionList & ")\b) (?#Functions)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<ope>\b(" & strOperatorList & ")\b) (?#Operators)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<str>(""[^""]*""))          (?#String in double quotes)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com>('[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)        (?#VB/ single line style comment)"

        '"|(?<nonkw>(.|(\r\n))*?)" & vbCrLf & _

      Case LanguageEnum.ASP, LanguageEnum.ASPnet
        strRegX = "(?<twospace>\x20\x20)(?#HTML only put one space and for second space use & nbsp;)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<newline>\r\n)            (?#we need to put <BR> for new line)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<tab>\t)               (?#html doesnt display Tab character so put some spaces instead of tab )" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<space>\x20)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<lt>\<)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<gt>\>)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<kw>\b(" & strKeyWordList & ")\b)  (?#Keywords)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<fun>\b(" & strFunctionList & ")\b) (?#Functions)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<ope>\b(" & strOperatorList & ")\b) (?#Operators)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<str>('[^']*'))           (?#String in single quotes)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com><!--[\s\S]*?-->)        (?#ASP/ block comment)"

      Case LanguageEnum.CSharp, LanguageEnum.VCPlusPlus
        strRegX = "(?<twospace>\x20\x20)(?#HTML only put one space and for second space use & nbsp;)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<newline>\r\n)            (?#we need to put <BR> for new line)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<tab>\t)               (?#html doesnt display Tab character so put some spaces instead of tab )" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<space>\x20)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<lt>\<)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<gt>\>)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<kw>\b(" & strKeyWordList & ")\b)  (?#Keywords)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<fun>\b(" & strFunctionList & ")\b) (?#Functions)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<ope>\b(" & strOperatorList & ")\b) (?#Operators)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<str>(""[^""]*""))          (?#String in double quotes)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com>/\*[\d\D]*?\*/)         (?#SQL/C#/C++ Block style comment)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com>(\/\/[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)      (?#C++ single line style comment)"

      Case LanguageEnum.SQL
        strRegX = "(?<twospace>\x20\x20)(?#HTML only put one space and for second space use & nbsp;)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<newline>\r\n)            (?#we need to put <BR> for new line)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<tab>\t)               (?#html doesnt display Tab character so put some spaces instead of tab )" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<space>\x20)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<lt>\<)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<gt>\>)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<kw>\b(" & strKeyWordList & ")\b)  (?#Keywords)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<fun>\b(" & strFunctionList & ")\b) (?#Functions)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<ope>\b(" & strOperatorList & ")\b) (?#Operators)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<str>('[^']*'))           (?#String in double quotes)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com>/\*[\d\D]*?\*/)         (?#SQL/C#/C++ Block style comment)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<com>(--[^\r]*)(\r\n)?)       (?#SQL single line style comment)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<sp>\b((sp_)|(xp_))[0-9 a-z A-Z]{0,125}\b\s*)            (?#SQL stored procedure starting with sp_ or xp_ maximum 128 characters allowed)"

      Case Else '//Description or Unknown language
        strRegX = "(?<twospace>\x20\x20)(?#HTML only put one space and for second space use & nbsp;)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<newline>\r\n)            (?#we need to put <BR> for new line)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<tab>\t)               (?#html doesnt display Tab character so put some spaces instead of tab )" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<lt>\<)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<gt>\>)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|(?<str>(""[^""]*""))          (?#String in double quotes)"
    End Select
    GetRegX = strRegX
  End Function
  Private Function TrimEx(ByRef inString As String) As String
    If inString = "" Then Exit Function
    Dim reg1 As String = "^(\s*)([\W\w]*)(\b\s*$)"
    'Create a regular expression object

    Dim re As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(reg1)

    'Use the replace method to perform the formatting
    TrimEx = re.Replace(inString, "$2")
  End Function
End Class

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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